Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Sheila Gashumba : Teenage Dream

Sheila Gashumba : Teenage Dream

I first ‘encountered’ Sheila when I was watching  T Nation a show she presents for NTV television Uganda and I remember thinking how confident she was and incredibly engaging to her audience. Unlike a lot of television presenters, this girl looked like she knew exactly what she was doing and her passion for what she does shone right through.  I never watch television especially in Uganda unless its a political show/ debate but I never miss an episode of TNation when I’m in Uganda.
I think the other main reason I took to Sheila is that she is a fashion and style guru and what I would do to invade her wardrobe. I follow her on instagram and I want to wear every single outfit she posts. Oh and did I mention she is 17 and recently started her own events management company…in Uganda.
I always go on about African youth talent and how much we need to celebrate it and encourage young people like Sheila to keep doing what they do and to support them through it all because I believe our generation has the chance to change Africa around. We have the technology, education and so many opportunities to be interested in making Africa a better place so that our grandchildren do not have to leave their motherland for better opportunities. We need to plant the seeds of an opportune Africa by making use of our talents.  Well done Sheila for setting an example to all youth, I am sure thousands of them look up to you, never change, you are a star.


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